Rocks Are My Thing

I love where I'm from
Yesterday I visited Little and Big Agassiz Rock in Manchester-By-The-Sea. These rocks are enormous chunks of bedrock detached and carried by the last glacier. They sit in the woods on School Street waiting for curious explorers like me to appreciate them. We went around eight pm, just in time for the sunset. Warning: this one mile hike is more than just a walk in the woods, I broke a sweat climbing uphill to the gigantic boulder. With that said, we basically raced to find the landmarks... okay, I'm not in tip-top shape either. Anyways, we were a bit disappointed that you cannot actually climb the big mama, it is surrounded by a swamp. Little Agassiz is a blast. Minus the fact that the sun sets in the opposite direction that the rock faces, but we managed and still enjoyed the amazing sky. I'm lucky to live on the North Shore.
Big Agassiz Rock
Climbing Little Agassiz
I love rocks.


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